Friday, March 7, 2008

you failed, NOW GET TO THE BAR!

Humm, that looks nice doesn't it. Especially as the weathers turning and starting to become ideal 'nice cold pint' weather. And it'll taste all the better because its free. Free beer? you say. but How? Why? Well my friends, this is no ordinary free pint, this pint (not literally this one its a picture) signifies failure, it embodies a lack of discipline in Lisa that is unforgivable.This pint is the free pint she owes me because she couldn't be arsed to take a picture of a tramps dog, AND GOD WILL I ENJOY IT. Apparently she is going to carry on with her 'quest' but now i feel it is a joke as she missed another lonely tramps dog yesterday. Im disappointed but i do love an 'i told you so' moment. Cheers.